Thursday, August 19, 2010

Stratford 2011 Casting So Far

Casting is ongoing for Stratford's next season before this one's even over. Here's what we know so far:
- super exciting choices are marked with * or **, depending on the degree of awesome.
- terrible ideas are marked with an x or xx, depending on the degree of horror. 

Richard III:
Seana McKenna as Richard **
Gareth Potter as Richmond*
Martha Henry as Margaret*

Twelfth Night:
Andrea Runge as Viola**
Brian Dennehy as Sir Toby
Stephen Ouimette as Sir Andrew
Ben Carlson as Feste*
Tom Rooney as Malvolio*
Cara Ricketts as Maria xx

Merry Wives of Windsor:
Geraint Wyn Davies as Falstaff **
Tom Rooney as Ford *
Janet Wright as Mistress Quickly
Lucy Peacock as Mistress Ford
Andrea Runge as Anne Page*

Titus Andronicus:
nothing yet

Jesus Christ Superstar:
Paul Nolan as Jesus x
Chilina Kennedy as Mary Magdalene x
Brent Carver as Pontius Pilate

Geraint Wyn Davies as King Arthur*
Brent Carver as Merlyn and Pellinore*
Lucy Peacock as Morgan le Fey*

Gareth Potter as Hosanna** (Let's hear it for bravery and breaking out of the romantic hero mold! Bravo Mr. Potter)

The Little Years: 
Evan Buliung as Roger

The Grapes of Wrath: 
Chilina Kennedy as Rose of Sharon x
Janet Wright as Ma
Evan Buliung as Tom Joad

The Homecoming:
Brian Dennehy as Max
Stephen Ouimette as Sam
Cara Ricketts as Ruth x

The Misanthrope:
Ben Carlson (Alceste)
Brian Bedford

Shakespeare's Will:
Seana McKenna as Anne Hathaway*

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